For all you Pacific Northwest TRL lovers and haters, I'm pleased to announce that we are going to show "British Columbia Summer 2006" at the
VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL This is our latest creation including footage from Skookum Creek, The Stein River, Ashlu, and more. I will also be showing some slides and giving a quick update on the Ashlu River and other seriously threatened rivers in BC.
Steve Rogers from
BREAD AND BUTTER MEDIA will be hosting the paddling night on February 22 at the Anza Club in downtown Vancouver. Should be a really fun night. Come out and show your support for paddling here in the Northwest and continue to gossip about who should have advanced in the TRL Photo Holdum contest. Here are some additional details...
You guys should really check out the 7 weeks in Tibet movie by Dave Kwant if ya can, he is a really good film maker based out of Hokitika, NZ and he also runs the shit. Yea buddy,
J Boone
Why does this have to be on a Thursday????
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