Again, we headed out of Port Renfrew into the coastal mountains & found ourselves driving up a deep beautiful canyon within about 15 minutes. We were on our way to the Gordon River. First stop was Bugaboo Creek, which flows into the Gordon at the takeout for the Middle run. I had to shoot with Boomer's camera since mine had sustained fatal water damage the day before on Lens Creek.
From the bridge over Bugaboo, you could look down into this enticing gorge.

Sometimes your chosen line doesn't always work out as planned. Utah checking out the undercut.

But, just like Dionne Warwick & Stevie Wonder said, "That's what friends are for". Note the tall waterfall in the foreground of this shot.

Non-chronologically, here's the Austin approaching the waterfall mentioned above. Please note the fist-pumping pre-claim.

& Boomer dropping it.

Couple more drops & you get to run this 20-footer into the Gordon River. Todd Anderson dropping.

Utah dropping.

Looking downstream at the Lower Gordon from the Bugaboo confluence

BC bushwhackin'

Tall trees along the rim of the Bugaboo gorge

After the little Bugaboo mission, we continued upstream along the logging road to the putin of the Middle Gordon. The Gordon is a classic river with huge beautiful granitic intrusions forming big rapids followed by calm, deep, green pools, reminiscent of Cali foothills rivers like the S. Yuba.
Our putin was actually on Loup Creek. TA & Boomer decided the chuck 'n huck method would be the safest way to access the creek.

Johnny Utah on the Gordon shot by Erik Boomer.

Austin on the Gordon shot by Erik Boomer.

Austin, post adventure, enjoying a tasty glass of Canadian "homo milk" .... Cheers to that!

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