Friday, August 11, 2006

HELL yesssssss!

WE WON!!! We are going to Peru! I couldn't understand the exact river that Todd was telling me in the chaos of the Teva/OR party, but it is in the headwaters to the Amazon! Better subscribe so you don't miss a thing.

And go here to learn more.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Get in touch with me- I work for the only real rafting company in Peru- Cusipata- and will put you in touch with the Gian Marco and Pierro Vellutino-
I just got back from a 5 month trip down there and can help you figure out logistics.
Again, congrats-

Anonymous said...

Sweet boys you definetly deserved it! I have been following TRL for a while and have always been stoked on your blogs!

donutboy said...

Way to go guys! I knew you had it, now go get it!

Back on the east coast, working on our new old house and paddling up in WV when we get a chance.