Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Updater: Getting caught up

I. Photo Holdem Results
II. Events
III. Huallaga Blog
IV. You Are Not My Friend
V. Wallpaper


I. Photo Holdem Results

I've been really lame about getting these results up while I know people have been waiting for a really long time. Just had a million things going on & haven't really had the time for blogging lately. So anyway, I guess let's just break it down:

4th Place: Evan Ross
3rd Place: Evan Stafford
2nd Place: Barbora Hollan
Champeen: Darin McQuoid

In the Biggest Leuzer Battle of the Evans For Third Place .. this was a really tough call for me. It's hilarious how each player played an ace featuring his opponent .. in the end, I had to go with Dotcom for his ballsy inclusion of a shot of yours truly stylin' nice waterfall & recalling that perfectly lucky day in AZ. That's strategery.

In the World Cup round .. From the very first photo submission (photo of self), Barbora established her style & strategy as totally unique from everyone else's. Her eye for comp & lighting kept her from joining the Leuzers throughout every round. She attracted some heat throughout the rounds for various reasons, but as a new kayaker & WW photog with limited content resources, she's done an amazing job of capturing the essence of what we love. As her paddling develops, I expect we'll see lots more from Barbora.

I just watched Stookesbury's "Hotel Charley" movie last night at a premiere in Bellingham. I recognized lots of locations on the Alseseca from Darin's submissions. Yeah, some people were burnt on so many shots from that run -- myself included -- but ya gotta smoke em if ya gottem .. & he definitely had em. That run is sick & Darin's consistently tack-sharp & perfectly exposed & framed images are my favorite of the contest. That shot of Brandon mid-boof (not on the Alseseca) is unreal.

So there you have it, ya bunch of bloodsuckers. Thanks for being patient .. sort of. And thanks / huge props to ALL of the players for playing along.

Darin, Barbora, & Dotcom -- please email me your mailing addresses where you can take delivery of your winner's booty (email: toddgillman [at] gmail dotcom).


II. Events

> TRL Party Plan: We are going to be throwing/hosting a handful of multimedia parties up here in the Norfwest in the coming months. We'll be featuring some new video & photo work. And beer. We'll be featuring that too. First one is FRIDAY MAY 11 @ Seattle Raft & Kayak. More details to follow. Mark yr calendars & stay tuned.

> The Brent Bradley Trifecta is this coming weekend in Bellingham!! Fixin' to be a great weekend for playing outside in the B'ham/Baker zone.

> From Paul Gamache:
May 4-6 will be the 1st ever race down the Nordheimer Section of the Cal Salmon. The actual race will be May 6th. Meet at Nordheimer, Put-in @ 11am.

Race divisions will include Kayak Short Boat (anything under 9.0'), Kayak Long Boat (9'0 and longer). Raft divisions will be Paddle Boat (Guide w/ a guide stick + paddlers), Oar Frame (Solo rafter includes Catarafts), and lastly paddle assist (Oars + Paddlers).

This makes for 5 divisions. The Race goes from Nordheimer to the bottom of Freight Train. Mass Start. Non-race rafters / kayakers encouraged to attend and paddle at their own pace.

More info, contact Paul at: paulgamache [at] gmail dotcom.

> From Matty Moreland in Hood River:


III. Huallaga Blog

Crazy bloggins. Don't forget we have the Peru trip coming up & are blogging our preparations HERE

I'm awaiting some photos of the gorge to post. Should be pretty rad.


IV. You Are Not My Friend!

Sorry, you're just not.


V. Wallpaper

Jake on Box Drop .. Top Tye, WA

John Utard on Paranoia .. Top Tye, WA

Our new BC project .. so good.

Chris T.

Not our friend


slickhorn said...

congrats to the finalists in the hold 'em showdown -- great to see such sweet shots from so many paddlers.

What is that last canyon? gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

Aren't ya even gonna tell us what they won?

Kubos said...

Where is the BC project? Looks nice...

Todd Gillman said...

Jakub .. Big Silver.

Unknown said...

I guess the cat is out of the Bag!