The 25 footer above two pretty stout ledges.

photo by Max Kniewasser
Bryan preparing for impact on "Wall Drug"

Lane Jacobs stomping the 10 foot boof above the big 45 footer

The big one...

The top to bottom detailed trip report coming after a few more laps this weekend!
I think it's fair to say that Max absolutely killed it. That first shot is what it's all about.
Will the Tatlow run the first 2 weeks of sept? I will be in whistla if anyone will be around then. Sick shots, eh.
Any more VTH photos?
Tatlow will probably hang around through next weekend for sure and maybe through the first week in September. It depends on weather. If we continue to get these nice sunny days it will stick around for another couple weeks. If the Tatlow is too low, the Box Canyon will be in so you got nothing to loose.
More VTH photos are coming on the VTH blog
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